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Behind the labels: Food ethical and unfoldings in the value chain
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food products
value creation


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1 - Vivian Lara Silva
UNIVERSIDADE DE SÃO PAULO (USP) - Faculdade de Zootecnia e Engenharia de Alimentos (FZEA)
2 - Marcia Gabriela C. Kasemodel
Faculdade de Zootecnia e Engenharia de Alimentos, Universidade de São Paulo (FZEA/USP) - Pirassununga
3 - Fausto Makishi
UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE MINAS GERAIS (UFMG) - Instituto de ciências agrárias
4 - Roberta de Castro Souza Pião
5 - Vinícius Machado dos Santos
Faculdade de Zootecnia e Engenharia de Alimentos, Universidade de São Paulo (FZEA/USP) - FZEA


The contemporary context in which the food industry is set up instigates a new product conception regarding food ethical. But, how effectively does this perspective materialize on the gondolas of retail chains? And what are the managerial implications for the food processing industry in terms of food ethics differentials and the coordination of its value chain?
The importance of ethical consumption and growing social and political participation has brought greater pressure - but also opportunities - on the food processing industry to act in ways that are humanly, socially and environmentally responsible. With growing competitiveness in the food processing industry, food ethics may be part of firm’s differentiation strategy, creating competitive advantage by promoting their brand reputation and positioning their products as socially and environmentally responsible.
In a provocative way, it can be argued that it is no longer just about shelf life and variety. Increasingly, the food processing industry is encouraged to differentiate its brands with a food ethical appeal regarding both leves (individual and society / environment), with the challenge of harmonizing a double facet of health attributed to its products in a micro and macro levels, that is, the physical health of the consumer and the society (including the environment) in which it is inserted
In order to bring some elements to discussion, this article presents an exploratory study based on the decoding of information contained in food labels marketed in Brazil. Our main purpose is to assess how the concept of food ethics materializes in terms of food and beverage products launches in in Brazil by means of label analysis using Reverse Engineering methodology. In total, 287 labels, regarding four categories (juices, snacks, chocolates and yogurt) were analyzed.
The results indicate a movement of structured brand differentiation in actions conducted inside (a result of product and process engineering) and outside (regarding relationship engineering along the value chain). In other words, (i) the internalization of innovations in products and processes and; (ii) the development of vertical cooperation and coordination relations outside the company, with potential for upgrading. In addition, participation in globally connected markets is described as a driver of differentiation strategies regarding ethical aspects in the food processing industry.
The competitive strategies used by the food processing industry, especially those based on product and brand differentiation, have pointed to the need for an increasingly fine design of the systemic relationships across the value chain. Innovation in products and processes within the firm is still a hallmark of business strategies in the food processing industry, but aspects such as ethics and social responsibility require novel structural innovations that extend beyond the firm’s boundaries, involving management and relationship engineering.