
Título do Artigo

Internationalization of Higher Education Institutions: proposition of a conceptual model from the role of the researchers
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Internationalization of Higher Education
International Education
Internationalization of the Academy


Ensino e Pesquisa em Administração


Planejamento de Ensino (cursos, programas, disciplinas, aulas e avaliação)


1 - Marcello Romani-Dias
2 - Jorge Manoel Teixeira Carneiro
ESCOLA DE ADMINISTRAÇÃO DE EMPRESAS DE SÃO PAULO (FGV-EAESP) - Departamento de Administração Geral e Recursos Humanos
3 - Aline dos Santos Barbosa


This article deals with Internationalization of Higher Education Institutions (IHEI), especially in its research dimension. The main motivation for the study is the role of researchers in the internationalization of the institutions in which they work, through the academic activities they perform. We assume that there are determinants of the IHEI process, which are strongly related to the role of the researchers, and we noticed that their role has been neglected in the literature, since few studies analyze to some extent the impact of these individuals on the IHEI.
In view of the neglect of literature on the role that researchers play in the internationalization of the educational institutions in which they work, we start with the following question: what is the impact of researchers characteristics on the internationalization of Higher Education Institutions in which they work?
There are several ways in which an HEI can be internationalized. Among them we can highlight the participation and publication of studies in international research networks (DEWEY; DUFF, 2009), the exchange of students, teachers and staff (COATES et al., 2014), the insertion of global curricula in the courses (VAN DAMME, 2001), the organization of courses and events abroad in partnership with other HEIs (KNIGHT, 2004) and the creation of campis in other countries (VAN DAMME, 2001). It is verified, therefore, the presence of researchers in these different internationalization activities.
In this qualitative study we adopted as methods the review of the literature (102 articles) on Internationalization of Higher Education and the accomplishment of in-depth interviews, from an intentional sample. This theoretical and empirical approach allowed the reflection of relationships and categorizations on the theme, through the triangulation of analysis. Ten researchers of the programs that are considered by CAPES as the most internationalized in the country, and six researchers of international prestige working in other programs - indicated by the Snowball method - were interviewed.
The results, organized in a proposed conceptual model, are: (i) the researchers international academic experience, (ii) insertion in international collaboration networks, (iii) international coauthors and their (iv) experience in international publications, are four of the main factors at the individual level (researcher) that positively impact IHEI. Additionally, age and gender appear to act as important moderators of researchers' activities that influence the internationalization of their institutions
We believe that this article contributed to stimulate researchers to seek international insertion, based on the different motivators and benefits classified in the study. As a managerial contribution directed at teaching institutions, we recommend priority investment in research networks with foreign institutions and in activities that enable the development of international research experiences for its main internationalization agents: the researchers.
ALTBACH, P. G.; KNIGHT, J. The internationalization of higher education: Motivations and realities. Journal of Studies in International Education, 2007. CHILDRESS, L.K. Interdisciplinarity: A Catalyst for Faculty Engagement win Internationalization. Journal of Global Initiatives: Policy, Pedagogy, Perspective, 2009a. KNIGHT, J. Internationalization: Elements and Checkpoints. Canadian Bureau for International Education, 1994. SANDERSON, G. A foundation for the internationalization of the academic self. Journal of Studies in International Education, 2008.