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Organizational bonds and the moderating effect of sociodemographic and occupational variables of public servants
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Organizational Bonds
Moderation analysis
Public sector


Gestão de Pessoas


Valores, Sentidos e Vínculos no/do Trabalho


1 - Sara Barbosa Rangel
Núcleo de Pós-graduação (NPGA) - Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA) - UFBA - Canela
UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DA BAHIA (UFBA) - NPGA - Núcleo de Pós Graduação em Administração da UFBA


Understanding worker’s organizational bonds and contextual factors can help the adoption of strategies for developing and strengthening bonds, encouraging the existence of bonds with positive impacts. Although the organizational commitment has been frequently studied, the entrenchment and the relationship between these bonds still need emphasis. The investigation of the moderating role of sociodemographic and occupational factors in the relationship between these two bonds reveals contributions, such as, guide the proposition of bond management practices more focused on a given worker profile.
The research problem is: what are the possible moderating relationships of sociodemographic and occupational variables between organizational bonds? This paper aims to analyze the organizational bonds (commitment and entrenchment) among servants of the Federal Revenue of Brazil based on their sociodemographic and occupational characteristics. Additionally, it seeks to verify the moderating effect of these variables on the relationship between the dimensions of entrenchment and organizational commitment.
Entrenchment was defined as a bond of permanence in the organization based on need and composed by 3 dimensions: adjustments to social position; impersonal bureaucratic arrangements and limitations of alternatives. No studies were identified on moderation of sociodemographic and occupational variables between organizational bonds. This research was made in the databases (SCIELO, SPELL, Rpot and Portal de Periódicos CAPES) using the keywords organizational bonds, moderation analysis, sociodemographic and occupational variables, organizational commitment, and organizational entrenchment.
A structured online questionnaire was applied for self-completion by the RFB servants (tax auditors, tax analysts and administrative technicians), obtaining 1,126 responses. The questionnaire was structured in two parts: 1) to measure the level of bonds and 2) to investigate personal and occupational data. Descripted-explanatory and quantitative research was used to achieve the objective of this study. Data analysis included the application of descriptive techniques, linear regression and multinomial logistic regression. In addition, moderation analysis was performed.
The results demonstrated that RFB public servants are more committed than entrenched. In relation to OE, the IBA dimension obtained the highest average. These results reveal the predominance of affective bond and the importance of financial gains and stability. The relationship between bonds and sociodemographic and occupational variables was relevant, especially regarding length of service, career, and management position (moderating variables identified). Given this, it is known which contextual factors have more impact in the relation between bonds and targeted actions can be taken.
From the results found it is possible to understand the population studied, highlighting its demographic and occupational differences. Thus, it was possible to identify which category of employees most needs incentives to establish and maintain bonds. Also, it was observed a moderating effect mainly in the relationship between ASP dimension and OC, being impacted by the five variables studied. These results allow the elaboration of strategies to be carried out by the organization to develop the OC in certain contexts, considering target audience and time of the intervention, for example.
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