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Management Education in Transformation: How Generative AI Can Create Engaging Synthetic Case Studies
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Management Education
AI-generated content.
Synthetic case studies


Ensino e Pesquisa em Administração


Experiências no ensino-aprendizagem


1 - Bruno de Souza Lessa
2 - Naiderson Ferreira de Lucena
3 - Leonardo Mendes Lacerda de Menezes
UNIVERSIDADE DE FORTALEZA (UNIFOR) - Centro de Comunicação e Gestão
4 - José Milton de Sousa-Filho


We opted for the creation of synthetic case studies because lectures have become shorter over time as well as students’ attention span, thus, shorter cases can potentialize learners’ progress within the contemporary constraints such as less attention from students and less time to lecture them on specific topics. In other words, this paper aims to show how ChatGPT can be used to create these synthetic cases, the prompts that can be utilized to do so, and the outcomes generated.
this article addresses the potential of Generative Artificial Intelligence, specifically ChatGPT, as a tool for creating synthetic case studies tailored to management education. By employing different prompt-generating techniques, this study highlights ChatGPT's capabilities to create contextually relevant and pedagogically sound case studies that reflect the complexities of the contemporary business world. The research question is: How can generative artificial intelligence help to create new synthetic case studies for management education?
Despite its contributions, the case-based teaching method is not perfect. Some scholars argue that while cases provide rich contextualization, in some cases they do not fully capture the diversity and volatility of the current business world. There are also concerns that over-reliance on this method may discourage students from learning about other equally valuable pedagogical approaches (Mintzberg & Gosling, 2002). Therefore, to maximize pedagogical potential, it is critical that educators combine cases with other teaching methods.
The methodology is structured in distinct stages, starting with the identification of the essential elements that make up an effective case study. We then analyzed advanced prompt engineering techniques to optimize the quality and relevance of the cases generated by GenAI. We also set clear objectives for the cases, ensuring alignment with the competencies and skills required in the field of management.
By suggesting approaches to create and employ GenAI generated synthetic case studies, this research also contributes to educational innovation. Moreover, it invites a multidisciplinary conversation among educational theorists, AI scholars, and curriculum developers, which can lead to new theories on knowledge transfer, educational psychology, and the cognitive influence of GenAI content on learners.
Our findings confirmed the potential of GenAI to revolutionize traditional case study generation paradigms. Through the use of ChatGPT, educators are now able to craft dynamic, relevant, and customized case studies that reflect the diverse challenges and intricacies of contemporary businesses. These GenAI synthetic case studies not only bring a breath of fresh air to the curriculum but are also able to address the challenges posed by the shortened duration of lectures and the dwindling attention span of learners in the digital age.
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