2 - Pedro Ivo Silva da Nóbrega UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE CAMPINA GRANDE (UFCG) - Unidade Acadêmica de Administração e Contabilidade
The development of smart cities has gained increasing importance over the last few years due to the challenges faced by contemporary society, primarily driven by the excessive expansion of communities, the need for efficient infrastructure, environmental degradation, and the imperative to improve the quality of life (Ahmed et al., 2020). Consequently, the integration of information and communication technologies (ICTs) is pivotal in advancing urban environments to become more efficient and habitable.
Highlighting research syntheses is essential for a comprehensive and objective analysis, which helps identify patterns and gaps in the literature, thereby validating the conclusions reached (Silva-da-Nóbrega, Chim-Miki, Castilho-Palacio, 2022). This study is based on theoretical implications, seeking to analyze the smart management dimension of a Brazilian university as a smart campus from the perspective of its students.
Smart management is an indicative parameter with a set of indicators involving complex projects and financial resources. When linking smart management to a smart campus, it can be defined as a comprehensive method that promotes participation, transparency, continuous growth, and the conscious use of resources to develop an environment conducive to academic success, sustainable development, and renewal (Silva-da-Nóbrega, Chim-Miki, Castilho-Palacio, 2022).
The present study aims to analyze the smart management dimension of a Brazilian university, specifically evaluating it as a smart campus from the perspective of its students. This research employs a quantitative, descriptive-exploratory approach, utilizing criteria designed to provide an overview and support the evolution of a smart campus while addressing the obstacles it faces. The importance of diverse conceptions among stakeholders is acknowledged, with the goal of characterizing a group to infer trends and behavioral patterns within a given context.
This research identified eight key variables that impact the effectiveness and quality of campus management. The analysis showed an average importance rating of 4.74 and an average performance rating of 3.66 for these variables. The findings highlight priority areas for academic managers to focus on, aiming to enhance environments and services for the academic community. The study concludes that smartization and smart management are crucial for progress and effective development in campus management.
This research analyzed smart management at a Brazilian university from students' perspectives using Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA). It identified eight key areas: sustainability, technology, participation, efficiency, transparency, governance, budget, and administration. Students rated these variables highly important but found performance average. Key priorities for improvement include Technology, Administrative Council, and Process Efficiency. The study suggests enhancing student engagement and exploring new variables and university contributions to smart city projects.
BARACHO, Renata Maria Abrantes. Representation It is management of knowledge: Applications in Cities Smart–Smart Cities. Perspectives in Science from the Information , P. 252-279, 2020.
PALACIO, Marysol. A smart campus framework: Challenges and opportunities for education based on the sustainable development goals. Sustainability , vol. 14, no. 15, p. 9640, 2022.