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Workplace stress


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Bem-Estar e Mal-Estar no Trabalho


1 - Letticia Pinheiro de Oliveira Barros
2 - João Pinheiro de Barros Neto
PONTIFÍCIA UNIVERSIDADE CATÓLICA DE SÃO PAULO (PUCSP) - Departamento de Economia, Administração e Atuária - Faculdade de Administração


In the modern workplace, burnout poses a significant challenge for professionals, particularly those in demanding roles like controllership. This study delves into the unique experiences of controllers facing burnout, exploring its origins, effects, and coping mechanisms. By examining this phenomenon within the context of financial management, we aim to provide insights that can inform interventions to support the well-being of controllers and optimize organizational effectiveness.
This study investigates burnout among professionals in the field of controllership, aiming to understand its causes, symptoms, and impacts within the workplace. The objective is to identify effective strategies for prevention and intervention, promoting a healthier work environment and enhancing organizational performance.
This study builds upon Maslach and Leiter’s (2022) conceptualization of burnout as a syndrome characterized by emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced personal accomplishment. Additionally, it incorporates insights from Bardin (2011) regarding content analysis methodology, guiding the categorization and interpretation of qualitative data. These theoretical underpinnings inform the investigation of burnout experiences among professionals in the field of control, providing a framework for understanding causes, symptoms, impacts, and coping strategies.
A qualitative approach was employed, utilizing semi-structured interviews with six participants in the field of controllership. Data analysis involved thematic coding using NVivo software, following Bardin's content analysis framework. Themes were identified, categorized, and refined to ensure comprehensive data representation. Additionally, quantitative analysis techniques such as word frequency distribution and cluster analysis were employed.
The research revealed recurring themes such as poor management, anxiety, and the importance of self-care. Participants emphasized the need for a healthy work environment, psychological support, and a balance between personal and professional life. The study highlighted the detrimental effects of burnout on job satisfaction, performance, and overall well-being. It underscored the significance of organizational interventions and individual actions in preventing and addressing burnout.
In conclusion, this research underscores the critical importance of addressing burnout comprehensively, considering both individual and organizational factors. By promoting a healthy work environment and providing support for employees' emotional well-being, organizations can mitigate the negative impacts of burnout and foster a culture of resilience. Moving forward, it is imperative for employers to implement proactive measures to prevent burnout and prioritize mental health in the workplace.
Bardin, L. (2011). Análise de conteúdo. São Paulo: Edições 70. Maslach, C., & Leiter, M. P. (2022). The burnout challenge: managing people’s relationships with their jobs. Cambridge: Harvard Business Press. Maslach, C., & Leiter, M. P. (1997). The truth about burnout. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Maslach, C., & Leiter, M. P. (2016). Understanding the burnout experience: recent research and its implications for psychiatry. World Psychiatry: Official Journal of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA), 15(2), 103-111.