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Consumer Behavior in Local Farmers’ Markets: a Study of Multiple Behavioral Constructs
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Consumer Behavior
Perceived Quality
Local Farmers’ Markets




Comportamento do Consumidor


1 - Georgiana Luna
2 - Alessandro Silva de Oliveira


This study seeks to study consumer behavior in local farmers’ markets. To accomplish this, we verified the impact of global perceived quality and consumer satisfaction and experiences. We tested the impact of personal values on satisfaction in the consumption experience, purchase intentions and the perception of value. In addition, we ascertained the impact of consumption experiences on satisfaction and purchase intentions. Finally, we sought to prove the positive impact of satisfaction on consumer purchasing intentions in local farmers’ markets.
This study seeks the following objectives: a) to verify the direct impacts of the perceived quality among consumers at local farmers’ markets on consumer satisfaction and the consumption experience; b) to investigate the impacts of personal values on consumer satisfaction, the consumption experience, and the perception of value; c) to test the impacts of the consumption experience on satisfaction and purchasing intentions; and d) to confirm the positive impact of satisfaction on consumers’ purchasing intentions at local farmers’ markets
Small farming producers in developing nations are living with situations which put the survival of their practices at risk, as well as the services they provide which meet the requisites of product quality and consumer expectations. In this sense, it is important to consider the mechanisms, which favor direct ties between consumers and producers. To understand the buying decision-making process within this context, we need to identify various aspects perceived by consumers in their consumption experiences in farmers’ markets, the object of this study.
In methodological terms, this study was conducted with a quantitative approach in a descriptive manner, with data collected through a questionnaire based on five-point scales adapted from other validated and previously tested instruments where 1 means “totally disagree” and 5 means “totally agree”. The sample consisted of 278 participants. For the data analysis we used Structured Equation Modeling and the SmartPLS ™ 2.0 software.
Our main results indicate that the quality of service and products were the constructs that most helped to explain global perceived quality. We also identified that to guarantee the satisfaction of consumers at local farmers’ markets it is important to offer consumption experiences that promote pleasant moments at the time of purchase. In addition, one of the most important findings was the confirmation of personal values as an antecedent to various behavioral and attitudinal constructs for local farmers’ market consumers.
Products from short chains provide various forms of information when they arrive at the consumer, and in the middle of so much information, quality becomes a relevant factor in the construction of a solid relationship of trust between producers and consumers, which stimulates local production in the agroecological area or artisanal production. In this manner, it is important to evaluate the consumer experience in short food chains, because within this context price is not the most relevant factor to these consumers, who value biocultural elements
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