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Social Capital
Market Orientation
University-Industry Collaboration


Gestão da Inovação


Redes, Ecossistemas e Ambientes de Inovação


1 - André Luis Rossoni
Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade da Universidade de São Paulo - FEA - Administração
2 - Eduardo Pinheiro Gondim de Vasconcellos
Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade da Universidade de São Paulo - FEA - Administração
3 - Roberto Sbragia
Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade da Universidade de São Paulo - FEA - EAD-FEA


Collaboration between companies and universities (UIC) is an important driver of innovation and economic development. However, there are many challenges to UIC, including cultural differences, lack of market orientation, and underdeveloped knowledge networks. Three variables that can influence the success of UIC are social capital, market orientation, and technological readiness. This study will conduct a systematic review of the literature to map the social capital, market orientation, and technological readiness factors that influence collaborative R&D projects.
The difference in market orientation between research institutions and companies, as well as the need for greater technological readiness and social capital, can limit the effectiveness of UIC. Considering this gap, this study aims to map the social capital, market orientation, and technological readiness factors that influence collaborative R&D projects. The findings of this study can be used to improve the design and implementation of UIC projects.
Social capital refers to the network of social relationships, norms, and trust that facilitates coordination and cooperation between actors in a specific context. Market orientation is the ability of an organization to effectively respond to market demands and needs, and is essential for performance and innovation. The Technological Readiness Level (TRL) is a useful tool for assessing the maturity of technologies, and is essential for facilitating pre-transfer matching between research institutions and companies, considering the maturity of the technology and the market demand.
The proposed conceptual model considers social capital and market orientation as key factors influencing R&D collaboration between academia and industry. TRL acts as a moderator, assisting in the evaluation and overcoming of challenges in the development and implementation of innovations. This model can help us understand how these variables interact to promote effective collaboration and innovation in the research and development ecosystem. Future research was identified in the four clusters, with the goal of expanding knowledge on the factors that influence collaborative R&D projects.
This study investigated the factors that influence collaborative R&D projects, focusing on social capital, market orientation, and technological readiness. The findings suggest that these factors are critical for the success of collaborative R&D projects. Social capital is essential for building trust and access to resources, market orientation is essential for driving sustainable innovation, and technological readiness is essential for assessing and facilitating the development and transfer of technologies.
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