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Disruptive Innovation
Innovation Ecosystem
Disruptive Ecosystem


Gestão da Inovação


Redes, Ecossistemas e Ambientes de Inovação


1 - João Paulo Nascimento da Silva
Faculdade Israelita de Ciências da Saúde Albert Einstein (FICSAE) - Morumbi
2 - Luiz Guilherme Rodrigues Antunes
UNIVERSIDADE DE SÃO PAULO (USP) - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração
3 - Andre Grutzmann
UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE LAVRAS (UFLA) - Departamento de Ciência da Computação


Technological change is perhaps the most powerful driver of market development. Recent studies point out how an increasing number of disruptions have the potential to reshape the way companies and industries operate. Studies indicate that the occurrence of disruption can transform the entire structure of an ecosystem. In this way, the research aims to identify and to analyze the possible scenarios for the potentially disruptive innovations of eVTOLs and the Advanced Air Mobility ecosystem.
Based on the identified gaps and an exploratory approach, this study asks what are the possible scenarios for the potential disruption of eVTOLs and the Urban Air Mobility Ecosystem? This study proposes to use the Disruptive Ecosystem Evolution Model to carry out an exploratory study with a predictive purpose to explore the insertion of a potentially disruptive technology of eVTOLs in the existing transportation mobility ecosystem.
Studies indicate that the occurrence of disruption can transform the entire structure of an ecosystem. We learn from these cases that ecosystems are rarely stable since the forces (technology) that affect their structure, over time, cause the dynamics of evolution. However, new studies need to understand the creation, evolution and replacement of current standards by new technologies.
Assuming that disruption occurs as a process over time, the occurrence of disruption may only be evident after introducing the innovation to the market. This makes it challenging to collect data on disruptive innovations within an analysis period in an innovation survey. Therefore, due to a lack of defined frameworks for identifying the insertion of disruptive innovations, we applied the Disruptive Ecosystem Evolution Model to perform an ex-ante analysis of the disruptive potential of eVTOLs.
A significant result of this study was the coevolutionary process presented based on the various necessary technologies that converge to the disruptive process of eVTOLs. Actors and technologies associate their strategies for technology success within the ecosystem. In this case, ecosystem strategies directed towards developing eVTOLs as a broader scope of different technologies. Thus, we proposed the innovation biome to expand the scope of technologies that involve the different technological ecosystems that are part of eVTOLs.
The Disruptive Ecosystem Model has also proved to be a valuable tool for exploring the impact of a disruption within the ecosystem. The tool appropriates the dynamic and evolutionary condition of the ecosystem in the face of disruption and can capture possible scenarios and impacts of the new ecosystem. It was also possible to capture the impacts of the business ecosystem in creating the new AAM market.
Christensen, C. M., et al. (2018). Disruptive Innovation: An Intellectual History and Directions for Future Research. Journal of Management Studies, 55(7), 1043–1078. Palmié, M., et al. (2019). The evolution of the financial technology ecosystem: An introduction and agenda for future research on disruptive innovations in ecosystems. Tech. Forec. and Social Change, 151(October), 1–10. Silva, J. P. N., & Grützmann, A. (2022). The evolution of the disruptive ecosystem: a framework integrating disruption, ecosystems, and business models. European Journal of Innovation Management, Ahead Of print.