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Disruptive Innovation
Innovation Ecosystem
Transportation Mobility


Gestão da Inovação


Redes, Ecossistemas e Ambientes de Inovação


1 - João Paulo Nascimento da Silva
Faculdade Israelita de Ciências da Saúde Albert Einstein (FICSAE) - Morumbi
2 - Gabriel Alexandre Lopes Pedrosa
Universidade de Aveiro - GOVCOPP, DEGEIT
3 - Andre Grutzmann
UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE LAVRAS (UFLA) - Departamento de Ciência da Computação


Businesses are constantly searching for new opportunities to create value propositions within the competitive global setting. This growing number of propositions fuels the development of innovations and entire ecosystems to capture these opportunities. With the power to impact markets, these disruptions can even change the entire value proposition of the ecosystem. In this sense, technological transitions are significant long-term technological changes that reconfigure the industry and must consider within the scope of ecosystems.
Starting from the possibility of a disruption in the transportation mobility ecosystem, this study questions how the dynamics of evolution of the value proposition of a disruptive ecosystem occur? Thus, the objective of this study proposes to explore the value proposition dynamics evolution of potentially disruptive innovations in the transportation mobility ecosystem. We will employ the Disruptive Ecosystem Evolution model which focuses on the disruptive technological change to an existing ecosystem.
The ecosystem theory indicates that technological advancement and market needs drive ecosystem transformation through value creation, where the impact of disruptive innovation can only occur when the entire ecosystem is considered. In this sense, technological transitions are significant long-term technological changes that reconfigure the industry and must consider within the scope of ecosystems.
We will employ the Disruptive Ecosystem Evolution model by Silva and Grützmann (2022), which focuses on the disruptive technological change to an existing ecosystem, and use the model to carry out a longitudinal case study of the transition dynamics of the value proposition of transportation mobility technologies.
In light of the evolution and adaptation of the disruptive ecosystem, the entry of new technologies and companies in the transportation mobility ecosystem impacts incumbent operators and new entrants. This impact of technology on actors due to disruption generates a process for adapting to the new ecosystem. Actors who do not adapt to the process may be left out of the ecosystem. Disruptive innovation will thus direct the ecosystem's future, in the form of a mosaic, with part of the historical and current capabilities within that ecosystem.
The Evolution Dynamics of the Value Proposition show the makeup of a new ecosystem based on the capabilities of the initial ecosystem. Until disruption occurs, a mosaic of technology development predominates with features from the dominant incumbents of the ICE ecosystem evolving into EVs and the new entrants of AVs, and eVTOLs. Faced with the impact of disruption, collaboration is a fundamental factor for the dynamics of adaptation of the value proposition and the evolution of new ecosystems.
Christensen, C. M., et al. (2018). Disruptive Innovation: An Intellectual History and Directions for Future Research. Journal of Management Studies, 55(7), 1043–1078. Palmié, M., et al. (2019). The evolution of the financial technology ecosystem: An introduction and agenda for future research on disruptive innovations in ecosystems. Techn. Forec. and Social Change, 151(October), 1–10. Silva, J. P. N., & Grützmann, A. (2022). The evolution of the disruptive ecosystem: a framework integrating disruption, ecosystems, and business models. European Journal of Innovation Management, Ahead Of print.