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Consumer’s perspective in what engages them for the first time in an online business: A gaming industry focused work
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consumer behaviour




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1 - Gustavo Harfuch Telles Andrino
2 - Renato calhau coda


The video game industry is an extremely lucrative business that has reached the mark of 85.68 billion dollars at United States alone in 2021(Video Games Industry in the U.S. 2021, [s.d.]). Like most other businesses, it requires marketing professionals to better understand impact and acquire consumers, and therefore, generate more revenue. One of the main marketing indicators for business development is Customer engagement (CE).
It is possible to tackle the question proposed by the study “Social media and consumer engagement: a review and research agenda” by (Barger et al., 2016) : What does the consumer thinks it takes to make him engage for the first time with an online brand ? The objective of this question is to understand what the client thinks are the best strategies to get him/her to engage initially with a digital brand. In order to achieve that, this study will: -Analyze the dimensions that generate engagement, based on the model proposed by (Barger et al.,2016).
It was mentioned before that CEB was the chosen CE definition for this study. However, in order to get a better understanding of the reasoning behind this choice, it is important to discuss the other forms of engagement as well. As said before, according to (Ng et al., 2020), there are 4 main ways we can conceptualize CE, from a study made by (van Doorn et al., 2010a), as a behavioral manifestation; from a study made by(Brodie et al., 2011), as a psychological state; from (Storbacka et al., 2016) as a disposition to act.
For this research, it was chosen the qualitative research method. The qualitative research was, for this paper and in simple words, a semi structured interview. That means an interview that has the questions written prior, but the interviewer doesn’t have to strictly follow those questions. It can change based on the interviewee’s interaction (Magaldi & Berler, 2020). Our informants were found in a variety of different medias, such as Reddit, steam and Instagram.
All the factors that were used from the model proposed, plus the new ones that were found out about are summarized below: Factors used from the model: - Quality and interestingness - Reviews - Word of mouth - Updated products - Need for information - Paid ads - Friendly Approach from the company - Attitude towards brand - Use of a wide variety of medias - Interactive posts New factors: - Desire to influence others - Strong community - Influencers
If a game is an updated version of a preexisting successful game, it is recommended for advertising to be focused on that fact, since the players from the previous game will feel more inclined to play and share the game with others. Furthermore, clear game feedback to the player performance can be highly beneficial, as it will spark the desire to be better at the game, and begin a deep engagement process in the player.
Barger, V., Peltier, J. W., & Schultz, D. E. (2016). Social media and consumer engagement: A review and research agenda. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 10(4), 268–287. Bengtsson, M. (2016). How to plan and perform a qualitative study using content analysis. NursingPlus Open, 2, 8–14. Bolton, R. N. (2011). Customer engagement: Opportunities and challenges for organizations. Journal of Service Research, 14(3), 272–274.