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DEVELOPING INNOVATION ECOSYSTEMS THROUGH VALUE CREATION AND CAPTURE MECHANISMS: a comparative case study of platform and territorial perspectives
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Palavras Chave

Value Appropriation
Value Co creation
Regional Innovation


Gestão da Inovação


Redes, Ecossistemas e Ambientes de Inovação


1 - Carlos Alberto Frantz dos Santos
2 - Aurora Carneiro Zen
UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO RIO GRANDE DO SUL (UFRGS) - Departamento de Ciências Administrativas


An innovation ecosystem is an arrangement of universities, companies, civil society and government. These actors aim to create and capture value from collaborative innovation activities around a joint value proposition (Adner & Kapoor, 2010, Ritala et al., 2013; Jacobides et al., 2018). Value creation and capture of actors could explain the success of innovation ecosystems in the long term and have increasingly been researched in the literature (Radzivon et al., 2017, Khademi, 2020) in two perspectives of analysis: territorial and platform (Santos & Zen, 2022).
Research on innovation ecosystems has emphasized the critical role of value creation and capture in developing innovation ecosystems. However, the literature has traditionally analyzed the creation and capture of value separately, focusing on either territorial or platform aspects. Therefore, it is relevant to adopt an integrative perspective to understand similarities, differences, and possible elements of interaction between both ecosystems. This article aims to analyze how to occur the creation and capture value in territorial and platform innovation ecosystems.
This study explores the elements of both territorial and platform innovation ecosystem approaches and investigates concepts related to value creation and capture. A conceptual framework is proposed to analyze value creation and capture mechanisms, encompassing elements such as value perceptions, actor engagement, innovation ecosystem strategies, and critical success factors. These factors shape the value creation and capture mechanisms and influence the development of the innovation ecosystem.
Multiple case studies were conducted in two innovation ecosystems in Southern Brazil, one employing the territorial approach and the other adopting the platform approach. Data were collected through 28 semi-structured interviews with actors from the quadruple helix and supplemented with secondary data. Analysis was performed using Atlas.ti software, categorizing data into six key elements: value perceptions, innovation ecosystem strategies, actor engagement, value creation and capture mechanisms, critical success factors, and ecosystem development.
The findings indicate that territorial and platform innovation ecosystems follow different development trajectories. Territorial ecosystems exhibit a more complex and slower development process, while platform ecosystems demonstrate greater dynamism with short-term financial returns. Understanding value creation and capture mechanisms is crucial for actor engagement and the success of the innovation ecosystem, with each type of ecosystem requiring different approaches to value planning.
The study highlights the significance of actor engagement in the creation and capture of value, which directly impacts the development of the innovation ecosystem. Failure to capture value may lead to disengagement among actors, hindering the development of territorial innovation ecosystems. Furthermore, understanding local culture is essential for planning and developing effective innovation ecosystems.
Adner, R., & Kapoor, R. (2010). Value creation in innovation ecosystems: How the structure of technological interdependence affects firm performance in new technology generations. Strategic Management Journal, 31(3), 306-333. Radziwon, A., Bogers, M., & Bilberg, A. (2017). Creating and capturing value in a regional innovation ecosystem: a study of how manufacturing SMEs develop collaborative solutions. International Journal of Technology Management, 75(1-4), 73-96.