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The Alignment of the B3's Corporate Sustainability Index with the Sustainable Development Goals
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Corporate Sustainability
Sustainable Development Goals
Corporate Sustainability Index


Gestão Socioambiental


Estratégias ESG e Sustentabilidade Corporativa


1 - Duterval Jesuka
UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE UBERLÂNDIA (UFU) - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração-PPGA//Faculdade de Gestão e Negócios
3 - Fernanda Maciel Peixoto


Since the establishment of the SDG, the climate emergency is no longer a concern only for governments, so the social and environmental responsibility is now considered a shared vision between states, companies, and society. In academia, the subject is treated in a multidimensional way, in which several studies seek to investigate how the SDGs are implemented both through public policies and in corporate and individual actions. From the organizational point of view, discussions on sustainable development have enabled the emergence of the concept of CSR and ESG in the organizational theories.
In a context of slowing global efforts towards sustainable development and the reverse effect on the reduction of global warming as observed by Sachs et al. (2021), we observe the emergence of several corporate sustainable indicators. This situation raises doubts about the alignment of the content of this corporate sustainability indicators with the UN sustainable development goals. To fill existing gaps in the literature, we investigate whether there is alignment between the B3 Corporate Sustainability Index and the 17 sustainable development goals established by the United Nations.
In the organizational field, studies seek to understand how companies should view the climate emergency and how SDGs do impact organizational structures and their relationship with stakeholders (Mishra, 2020). In this context, CSR and ESG are two concepts that address corporate engagement towards the pillars of sustainable development (Ashrafi et al., 2018). In addition to standards and governments regulations that guide corporate actions towards sustainable development, stock exchanges, non-governmental organizations and independent agencies seek to align sustainable practices with the SDGs.
A documentary study was conducted, using a qualitative method technique. we considered bibliographic sources and documents about the Sustainable Development Goals available on the United Nations website. We considered all B3 Web Site documents related to guidelines, methodologies, questionnaires, and the five dimensions defined to assess the companies’ sustainable practices. The documents were classified to better identify the similarity between the dimensions and the SDGs. We used the content analysis technique to decipher the relevant aspects of each document that contribute to this study.
We found that the sustainability dimensions evaluated by the ISE_B3 were most aligned with the following sustainable development goals: Action Against Global Climate Change, Sustainable Cities and Communities, Partnerships and Means of Implementation of the SDGs, Health and Wellbeing, Gender Equality (diversity), Clean and Affordable Energy, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Reduction of Inequalities. The data analyzed showed little alignment of the dimensions with the goals for Poverty Eradication, Ending Hunger, Ensuring Quality Education, Protecting Life on Water and Protecting Life on Land.
From the evidence one can conclude that all ISE dimensions have some kind of alignment with sustainable development goals, however, concrete actions must be taken to encourage companies' engagement with poverty and hunger eradication, contribute to quality education, and protect aquatic and terrestrial life.
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