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(RE) CONSIDERING “CRISIS MANAGEMENT”: How to Deal With an Uncertain and Unknown Crisis (COVID-19)?
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crisis management


Administração Pública


O Covid-19 e a Gestão Pública


1 - Stefani Silva Raulino
Centro Universitário da FEI-SP - São Paulo
2 - Gilmar Masiero
Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade da Universidade de São Paulo - FEA - EAD
3 - Fernando Chemin Seabra da Silva
4 - Kaleb Soares Mariano da Cruz
Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade da Universidade de São Paulo - FEA - PPGA - Programa de Pós Graduação em Administração
5 - Protásio Paiva Bueno Neto
Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade da Universidade de São Paulo - FEA - Butantã


The social and economic impact of a pandemic respiratory crisis (COVID-19) is more potent than any previous one. However, research on "crisis management" could not highlight the problems, principles, and challenges to deal with and evaluate the actions taken to overcome it.
Are these professionals implementing “effective management crisis” measures? Is the scientific knowledge on "crisis management" enough to combat the COVID-19 crisis, or should it be reframed, or reconsider it? For these questions, the research presents a "crisis management" description, some views of professionals working at the Committees of São Paulo's Coronavirus Contingent Center, a brief discussion on the crisis of “crisis management”, and conclusion calls for reconsidering the "management crisis" research.
The principles of crisis management, focusing on a) reviewing the research on "crisis management"; b) presenting problems, principles, and challenges of dealing with such pandemic and c) discussing the crisis of the crisis management.
Reviewing the knowledge on "crisis management" research published on the top-ranked management journals using corporate and public administration perspectives and a case study, considering the views of professionals working at a Coronavirus Contingent Center was developed, and their opinions on principles, problems, and challenges of the measures being implemented are summarized.
Overcoming that the coordination and the information sharing issues have been the main challenges of managing crises.
To overcome the challenges ahead: flatten the curve, reopening all productive activities including schools, and avoid further outbreaks of infections, a reconsideration of the "crisis management" studies and practices are necessary. More multidisciplinary research is needed to overcome the lack of coordination and information sharing issues while managing health, economic, and social crises.
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