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INNOVATION CAPABILITY OF CLUSTERS: Understandingthe innovation of geographic agglomerations.
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Palavras Chave

innovation capability
stages of cluster development


Estratégia em Organizações


Cluster e Redes de Negócios


1 - Bruno Anicet Bittencourt
2 - Aurora Carneiro Zen
UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DO RIO GRANDE DO SUL (UFRGS) - Departamento de Ciências Administrativas
3 - Frédéric Prevot
Kedge Business School - Kedge Business School-France


The premise is that innovation is a necessity for firms and relations inter firms is an alternative for it to occur. Among these relationships, clusters stand out, with studies showing that firms in clusters tend to be more innovative.
The subject of innovation capacity is attracting interest from several researchers (Lawson & Samson, 2001, Guan & Ma, 2003, Yam et al., 2011, Zawislak et al, 2013), although the literature is still incipient about this topic. This gap is even greater in regard to the innovation capabilities of clusters.In this way, the present research specifically seeks to answer the following question:how the innovation capability of cluster is developed?Thus, the present research aims to understand the innovation capability of cluster.
For researchers, knowledge and skills are more easily acquired and innovations are more efficiently developed and disseminated within clusters.Even with several works, there is still a lack of consensus on the reasons that make clusters environments more innovative. Innovation capability is the answer that several researchers are using to the question: why some firms are more innovative than others? It is still incipient the number of studies in specialized literature on this subject, but it becomes even scarcer when related to clusters.
The research was developed based on a qualitative exploratory approach. To carry out this research, two clusters insert in different contexts and at different stages of development were selected. The comparison aimed at understanding how to develop the innovation capability of clusters.Thus, we conducted an exploratory research with two clusters: emerging cluster of Alto do Camaquã, in Brazil and growing cluster of Sisteron, in France.
The elaboration of the instrument for data collection established as dimensions the elements of innovative capacity within the cluster identified in the theoretical framework: context, collective strategy, public policies, marketing, proactivity, external relationships, transmission, collaboration, assimilation, transformation and application of knowledge, governance, infrastructure, financial and human resources. Data analysis was performed through the triangulation using different sources: desk research, observation and interviews.
We arrived to a model of cluster innovation capability, composed by the strategic management, relationships and learning, technological and marketing development and operational management. The proposed model is a dynamic model as capabilities vary in their intensities according to the development stage of the cluster and its maturity time.
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