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Unraveling the Cognitive Underpinnings: Exploring IT Managers' Meanings of Green IT Practices in SMEs through Sensemaking
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Green IT
Cognitive foundations


Gestão Socioambiental


Sustentabilidade, Sociedade, Tecnologia e Inovação


1 - Alexssandro Fernandes Ribeiro
2 - Maria Laura Ferranty MacLennan
3 - Maria Carolina Conejero
Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing (ESPM) - São Paulo


Information Technology (IT) is rapidly advancing, driving sustainability through technological advancements. Increased pressure emphasizes the importance of Green IT, which reduces environmental impacts via efficiency, and innovation. However, IT's role in sustainability is often misunderstood. IT managers' environmental beliefs are crucial in Green IT adoption. This study explores the meanings IT managers of SMEs attribute to Green IT practices, applying sensemaking theory to understand how cognitive foundations influence their decisions, thereby contributing to sustainable development.
Research Problem: What meanings do IT managers of SMEs attribute to Green IT practices? IT professionals significantly influence the implementation of Green IT, but their decisions are affected by non-rational behaviors and various interfering factors. Objective: Apply sensemaking theory to identify and understand the dimensions of meaning in Green IT practices among IT managers of SMEs. The study aims to uncover the cognitive foundations that influence the adoption and integration of Green IT management initiatives within the organizational structures of these enterprises.
Green IT refers to sustainable information technologies and systems, as well as environmentally friendly IT practices (Marques et al., 2019). Implementing Green IT is an effective means of achieving sustainability (F. Zeng et al., 2020), making it a significant field of research due to its importance in reducing environmental pollution among producers and users (García-Berná et al., 2019). In academic discourse on sustainability, there is a lack of consensus on green IT. Singh and Sahu (2020) illustrate this perspective by defining green IT as efficient and effective practices aimed at reducin
This study aims to identify and analyze the sensemaking processes of IT managers in SMEs regarding Green IT, leveraging qualitative methods to capture nuanced participant understandings. Sensemaking properties are applied to interview narratives. The contexts of the involved actors are analyzed to identify key objectives. These include understanding managers' perceptions of Green IT and comparing these perceptions to uncover entrenched or missing concepts. The study also analyzes the cognitive foundations of IT managers and identifies the dimensions that impact Green IT implementation.
Research indicates that the involvement of IT professionals with green IT is not consistent and is not always able to permeate the sustainability agenda at a strategic level. Despite expectations regarding cost reduction and environmental impacts, there is still a limited understanding of the strategic benefits, commercial value creation, and social value generated by green practices (Mmeah et al., 2018). Consequently, organizations may adopt various types of green IT practices, but always with the primary goal of mitigating environmental damage.
From the organizational learning perspective, a conceptual framework was developed to assist managers in planning and interpreting new management practices. Following seven dimensions for creating meaning in the implementation of green IT practices, which encompass meaning creation, uncertainty analysis, and immersion in social contexts that permeate identity, experience, organizational environment, dynamism, evidence management, and plausibility.
García‐Berná, J. A., Fernández‐Alemán, J. L., Carrillo de Gea, J. M., Nicolás, J., Moros, B., Toval, A., Mancebo, J., García, F., & Calero, C. (2019). Green IT and sustainable technology development: Bibliometric overview. Sustainable Development, 27(4), 613–636. Marques, C., Bachega, S. J., & Tavares, D. M. (2019). Framework proposal for the environmental impact assessment of universities in the context of Green IT. Journal of Cleaner Production, 241, 118346.