digital entrepreneurship
dynamic capabilities
Empreendedorismo Inovador: Startups, Empresas de Base Tecnológica, Incubadoras e Parques Tecnológicos, Capital de Risco
1 - Alexandre Rodrigues Pinto UNIVERSIDADE NOVE DE JULHO (UNINOVE) - Campus Memorial
2 - Cristina Dai Prá Martens UNIVERSIDADE NOVE DE JULHO (UNINOVE) - PPGP Uninove
4 - Mauro Luiz Martens UNIVERSIDADE PAULISTA (UNIP) - Indianópolis
Digital entrepreneurship refers to the creation and development of businesses based on digital platforms, emerging technologies, and innovative business models. Dynamic capabilities refer to an organization's ability to integrate, build, and reconfigure internal competencies to face changes in the external environment. In the context of digital entrepreneurship, dynamic capabilities play a fundamental role in identifying and exploring new opportunities, responding agilely to customer demands, and continuously adapting to technological and market changes.
The literature on digital entrepreneurship does not present which elements must be observed to analyze the phenomenon in organizations. As there is a growing number of organizations acting in this way, more studies need to be developed. The emergence of new conditions in the context of digital entrepreneurship, combined with dynamic capabilities, indicates the necessity to expand this field of study. This study proposes to investigate the applicability of a structured framework to analyze digital entrepreneurship from the perspective of dynamic capabilities.
In digital entrepreneurship, dynamic capabilities are understood as the ability of organizations to integrate, develop, and reconfigure internal and external competencies in environments characterized by rapid changes. These capabilities are crucial for identifying opportunities and responding quickly to technological and market changes. A framework composed of macrocategories (based on dynamic capabilities), categories, and analysis elements of digital entrepreneurship was adopted as the basis for the development of this study.
This qualitative and exploratory study seeks to validate elements of digital entrepreneurship from the perspective of dynamic capabilities. In-depth interviews were conducted with 10 participants from five digital organizations. The interviews, carried out via Google Meet, totaled 754 minutes, and 194 pages were transcribed. Content analysis was used to interpret the data. Both theory-driven and data-driven approaches were employed. The analysis allowed for adjustments to the digital entrepreneurship framework based on dynamic capabilities.
Through the practical applicability of the framework, it was possible to understand that, in a practical context, 28 elements of digital entrepreneurship can be analyzed in organizations from the perspective of dynamic capabilities. These elements are divided into nine categories, which are further divided into four macrocategories characterized based on dynamic capabilities. The framework can be utilized in organizations through the analysis of the elements it presents. By examining these elements, organizations can assess how they can advance in the context of digital entrepreneurship.
The analysis of the interviews led to the improvement of the initial framework by excluding some elements, relocating others, and adjusting names to better adhere to digital entrepreneurship. The new framework was reformatted to highlight the interconnection between macrocategories. The interviews demonstrated the influence of technology on organizations. They highlighted the routines and processes, behaviors and skills, and the learning and governance mechanisms of knowledge about digital entrepreneurship when observed from the perspective of dynamic capabilities.
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Pinto, A. R., Martens, C. D. P., & Scazziota, V. V. (2023). Digital entrepreneurship in organizations: Integrative Literature Review and proposition of analysis elements from the perspective of dynamic capabilities. REAd. Revista Eletrônica de Administração, 29(3), 627–660.