1 - ANA VITÓRIA ALKMIM DE SOUZA LIMA Universidade Nova de Lisboa - Faculdade de Ciencias Sociais e Humanas
2 - Janaína Alves More UNIVERSIDADE POSITIVO (UP) - Ecoville
Mining activity embraces a discourse of progress and abundance,but does not always improve social and economic conditions for the surrounding regions. Despite the industry's financial success and representation, the companies' connection with the local population in their work areas is plagued by major issues. To understand stakeholder relationships after this tragedy, we examine the social aspects and experiences of the participants involved in this socio-environmental disaster, based on data collected through non-participant observation, and testimonies from the affected Community.
This work focuses on stakeholders´ analysis and engagement in the context of environmental and natural resources management (ENRM), notably an environmental disaster involving the operations of a mining company and its surroundings. We aim to answer the research question: "How are stakeholder relationships structured after the collapse of the Córrego do Feijão dam in Brumadinho, Minas Gerais, and to what extent are the specificities of the Environmental and Natural Resources Management (ENRM) context considered by the decision-makers involved?".
Bibliographic searches were conducted in three strands: the first strand pertains to the definitions and key concepts of human ecology and management applicable to this article.The second strand involved the connection between human ecology and organizational studies, specifically focusing on the coordination of interinstitutional actors to address wicked problems involving organizations. The third strand involved information about the context preceding the tragedy and events immediately following the event.
Using a qualitative approach, we examine the social aspects and experiences of the participants involved in the socio-environmental disaster, based on data collected through non-participant observation, and testimonies from the affected community. Data and theory triangulation allowed us to analyze stakeholder relationships, revealing that the company positioned itself as the central figure in the recovery process, as predicted by the traditional approach of Stakeholder Theory.
The relations between stakeholders are structured in a very traditional way, following the firm-centric point of view of Stakeholder Theory. Decision-making power is concentrated in the hands of Vale S.A. and the signatories of the Integral Reparation Agreement, and a gap exists between implemented actions and the actual requirements of the territory. This underscores the failure to adapt the Stakeholder Theory to socio-environmental disaster contexts - or a disconnection between stakeholder voices and decisions made in offices and courts.
The conclusions point to the fact that it is crucial to adopt public policies that guarantee inclusive and transparent governance, expanding the participation of affected communities and establishing robust mechanisms for transparency and accountability, fully respecting human and environmental rights, and ensuring that corporate actions truly contribute to social and environmental justice.
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Colvin, R. M., G. Bradd Witt, & Lacey, Justine. (2020). Power, Perspective, and Privilege: The Challenge of Translating Stakeholder Theory from Business Management to Environmental and Natural Resource Management. Journal of Environmental Management 271 (February): 110974.
Laschefski, Klemens. (2019). Rompimento de Barragens Em Mariana e Brumadinho-MG: Desastres como Meio de Apropriação de Territórios por Mineradoras. 2 (December): 98–143.