Teaching of Administration
Synchronous Remote Education
Intention to Continue Use
Ensino e Pesquisa em Administração
Experiências no ensino-aprendizagem
1 - Vanessa Itacaramby Pardim UNIVERSIDADE DE SÃO PAULO (USP) - FEA
3 - Luis Hernan Contreras Pinochet Faculdade de Economia, Administração, Contabilidade e Atuária da Universidade de São Paulo - Departamento de Administração
Synchronous remote education became essential during the pandemic, allowing the continuity of in-person teaching through digital platforms. With the end of the pandemic emergency, this modality remains relevant, integrating into in-person courses at some institutions. This study aims to understand the perception of business administration students about synchronous remote education and their intention to continue using this format, considering factors such as Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, Perceived Enjoyment, and Perceived Learning.
The research problem focuses on understanding how business administration students' perceptions of synchronous remote education influence their intention to continue using this modality. The objective of the study is to analyze the factors that determine this intention, using methods like PLS-SEM and fsQCA, to provide a more robust and multidimensional understanding of the dynamics impacting the continuity of synchronous remote education use.
The research is based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), which includes the constructs Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, Perceived Enjoyment, and Perceived Learning. The TAM has been widely used to predict the acceptance of new technologies. The inclusion of Perceived Enjoyment and Perceived Learning provides a more comprehensive view of the factors influencing the acceptance and continued use of educational technologies, especially in the context of synchronous remote education.
The study uses a combined approach of PLS-SEM and fsQCA to analyze data collected from 436 business administration students at a private university in São Paulo. The applied questionnaire included 30 questions, divided between sociodemographic data and specific constructs of the research model. Statistical analyses were conducted using SPSS and R Studio software, ensuring data reliability and validity.
The results confirmed all the formulated hypotheses, highlighting Perceived Enjoyment as the strongest predictor of the intention to continue using synchronous remote education. The fsQCA analysis revealed that the combination of different student perceptions results in a high intention to continue use. The integration of PLS-SEM and fsQCA methods provided a detailed and complementary view of the factors influencing this intention.
The study concludes that students' perception of synchronous remote education, especially regarding enjoyment and fun (Perceived Enjoyment), is crucial for determining their intention to continue using this format. To promote this continuity, educational institutions should develop strategies that combine the learning experience with the usability and enjoyment of educational technologies.
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