Systematic Literature Review
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1 - Luiz Henrique da Silva UNIVERSIDADE DE SÃO PAULO (USP) - Faculdade de Economia, Administração, Contabilidade e Atuária
2 - Joel Souza Dutra Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade da Universidade de São Paulo - FEA - Butanta
Recent transformations in the nature of work and organizational structures have prompted scholars and practitioners to reassess the applicability and impact of traditional leadership models (Groves & Feyerherm, 2022). Leadership roles involves the representation of non-hegemonic groups, including the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual, pansexual, non-binary, and others (LGBTQIAPN+) community, which is the object of this research, in leadership roles, challenging the traditional norm that these positions are reserved for heterosexual men (Ilac, 2021).
Despite the increasing visibility of LGBTQIAPN+ leaders, few leadership scholars have engaged with these narratives and the lived experiences underlying them (Ilac, 2021), leading to a paucity of representation and exploration of these individuals in higher organizational tiers within scholarly research. This study aims to systematically examine the existing literature on LGBTQIAPN+ leadership. To date, there has been no comprehensive literature review on this subject within the Scopus and Web of Science databases.
The prevalence of heterosexism within workplace dynamics significantly affects the aspirations and opportunities for LGBTQIAPN+ employees to assume leadership roles. Gay men, often perceived through the lens of stereotypical feminine traits and gender characteristics, may encounter challenges in attaining and excelling in conventional leadership positions (Barrantes & Eaton, 2018). Similarly, lesbian women experience discrimination during the recruitment process for leadership roles, often being judged as less competent than their heterosexual counterparts (Fasoli & Hegarty, 2020).
The study on LGBTQIAPN+ leadership highlights the importance of recognizing and valuing these identities within leadership contexts, creating inclusive environments that enable these leaders to thrive and contribute to their communities and organizations. The ability to acquire knowledge, foster personal growth, and nurture empowering relationships is essential for positive influence. Challenges include reconciling authenticity with social norms favoring heterocisnormativity and overcoming prejudice, stereotypes, and discrimination.
Advancing research on the topic of LGBTQIAPN+ leadership will deepen the understanding of the determinants and consequences of this leadership practice, increase knowledge about the factors that can facilitate or hinder its development and provide new knowledge about the importance of authenticity in leadership.
Barrantes, R., & Eaton, A. (2018). Sexual orientation and leadership suitability: how being a gay man affects perceptions of fit in gender-stereotyped position. Sex Roles, 79(9-10).
Fasoli, F., & Hegarty, P. (2020). A leader doesn’t sound lesbian!: the impact of sexual orientation vocal cues on heterosexual persons’ first impression and hiring decision. Psychology of Wom. Quarterly, 44(2).
Groves, K. & Feyerherm, A. (2022). Developing a leadership potential model for the new era of work and organizations. Leadership & Organiz. Devel. Journal, 43(6).
Ilac, E. (2021). Courage required: LGB