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"Going Global" Policy: A Bibliometric Overview
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"Going Global" policy
Chinese FDI strategies
bibliometric analysis


Estratégia em Organizações


Estratégia Internacional e Globalização


1 - Lucas Lugan Rizzon Chen
Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade da Universidade de São Paulo - FEA - Departamento de Administração
2 - Gilmar Masiero
Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade da Universidade de São Paulo - FEA - EAD


The "Going Global" policy was a strategic initiative to enhance China's global economic influence and competitiveness through increased trade, investment, and international cooperation. It significantly shaped China's foreign investment strategies. Despite more than two decades of scientific research on this phenomenon, bibliometric and review studies are scarce. To overview the Chinese FDI since the establishment of its “Going Global” policy, we provide a bibliometric analysis based on peer-reviewed articles extracted from the Scopus database.
To summarize the "Going Global" policy and the Chinese FDI accomplishments, highlighting the principal authors, journals specialized in the subject, and a potential research agenda.
The "Going Global" policy of China in 1997 was a strategic initiative to expand the country's economic influence and presence globally. During the reforms of 1980 and 1990, China sought to attract Foreign Direct Investments (FDI) to fuel its economic growth and modernize its industries. This involved creating favorable investment environments and incentivizing foreign investors, especially establishing Free Economic Zones (FEZ). The main focus of these zones has been increasing exports to drive economic growth, which led to a significant surge in the country's global trade participation.
Our appraisal shows that the Chinese FDI's global policy has been guided by SOEs and POEs exploring the international context and the government-created advantages. The study displays the primary authors and journals discussing the Chinese “Going Global” policy to raise companies’ competitive advantages in extractive and smokestack industries. The study indicates the need for further research exploring the "government-created” advantages and challenges of developing the same advantages in sunrise industries.
This bibliometric study provides a brief synopsis of the Chinese "Going Global" policy literature, outlines the principal advancements and shortcomings, and highlights how resources, global strategies, and dynamic capabilities shaped the study. It adds to the corpus of information on Chinese internationalization policy and provides insightful information for further study in this area.
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