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Product Development
Supply Networks




Estratégia de Operações e Desenvolvimento de Produtos e Processos


1 - Renata Bove Aiello
2 - Marcio Cardoso Machado


Researchers have given greater attention to the effects of the relationships between companies and their suppliers, arguing that companies that establish a collaborative relationship with their suppliers have a competitive advantage (AZADEGA et al., 2008; KIM, HUH, 2015; KIM, 2009; KOUFTEROS; VICKERY; DROGE, 2012; KRAUSE, HANDFIELD, TYLER, 2007). This advantage may be even more relevant among those companies that integrate their suppliers in their Supply Networks with the objective of developing innovative tasks with their preferred partners (KIM, 2016).
Based on these arguments, the following research question arises: What are the factors that influence the Supply Chain in the Collaborative Product Development Process? Thus, these article aims to present a theoretical model that can be used to improve the performance of the Supply Chain in the context of the Collaborative Product Development Process.
The fact is that Supply Chain was a widely studied theme, but from Lambert and Cooper (2000), there is clear distinction between Chains and Supply Networks, concepts that were later endorsed by more recent studies (BRAZIOTIS et al., 2013). In this way, it can be affirmed that Supply Chain is the integrated system through which all the activities associated with the transformation and flow of goods and services, including their flows of information, are related from the sources of raw materials and direction to end users (BALLOU; GILBERT; MUKHERJEE, 2000).
In the two models chosen as the theoretical basis of the present study, influence factors are present that complement and resemble each other, especially if analyzed in an integrated way. In the matrix shown in Figure 4 it is possible to understand that there is a correspondence between the influence factors of one model with the other.For example, when it comes to "Selecting Partners and Resource Integration", the model of Harland (2004) can establish correspondence with the factor "Process Partnership" of Buyukozkan model and Arsenian (2012).
This study sought to verify and understand theoretically the influence of the Supply Network in the Collaborative Product Development Process through the factors influencing its performance. It can be verified, through the proposal of the theoretical model presented in the present study, that there are factors of influence in the success in the CPD from the point of view of the Supply Network. This study contributes to the theory of both Collaborative Product Development and Supply Network theories by providing insights to better understand the success factors of these processes.
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