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The influence of human resources management policies and practices on the formation of Brazilian Chamber of Deputies effective employees’ organizational identity
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Organizational identity
Human resource management policies and practices
The Brazilian Chamber of Deputies


Gestão de Pessoas


Políticas, Modelos e Práticas


1 - Rommel Gomes Resende
2 - Gisela Demo
UNIVERSIDADE DE BRASÍLIA (UNB) - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração
3 - Thiago Gomes Nascimento
4 - Ana Carolina Rezende Costa
UNIVERSIDADE DE BRASÍLIA (UNB) - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração


This study examines the relationship between human resources management (HRM) policies and practices and organizational identity (OI) formation, an issue that few have yet to explore in the national context, constituting, for this reason, a pioneer model in Brazil. For this purpose, the HRM policies and practices utilized herein are those included in the six great policies described in the model proposed by Demo (2016): Recruitment and Selection; Involvement; Training, Development and Education; Work Conditions; Compensations/Rewards; and Competency-Based Performance Appraisal.
Given the scarcity of studies about the relationship between HRM policies and practices and OI, and having found support in the literature regarding the possibility of this relationship, the following research question is proposed: do HRM policies and practices influence OI in the public sector? As such, considering the relevance of OI and the importance of effective HRM strategies in organizations, this research aims to identify the influence of HRM policies and practices on the OI of Brazilian Chamber of Deputies (BCD) employees.
Given that HRM policies and practices help communicate the strategic vision of the organization in an easier way for workers to understand and execute (Vakola, Soderquist, & Pratascos, 2007) as well as foster productivity and commitment (Guest, 1987; Ulrich, Halbrook, Meder, Stuchlik, & Thorpe, 1991), constant monitoring and adjustment of these policies and practices to the environment and organizational needs must occur (Abdullah, 2010; Cardoso, 2006; Rynes, Gerhart, & Minette, 2004).
Our study adopts OI as a dependent variable and the following HRM policies and practices as independent variables: recruitment and selection; involvement; training, development, and education; working conditions; competency-based performance appraisal; and compensation/reward (Demo, 2016). Path analysis with AMOS was used in order to verify the relationship between the variables of the study, using the maximum likelihood criterion, whose main function is to specify and estimate models of linear relationship between the variables (Kline, 2011).
In view of the results indicated, involvement policy is related to organizational identity, among other factors that constitute HRM policies and practices. It can be deduced that involvement practices have more flexibility and are more likely to be applied to the public sector, consequently providing a greater margin of action and greater influence on employees. Therefore, as the results of this research point out, the practices related to involvement policies constitute antecedents of organizational identity.
This study, though its theoretical revision, questionnaire application, systematization, and analysis of results, contributed to the advancement of knowledge in the fields of human resources management and (micro) organizational behavior, filling a significant gap identified in the literature since studies addressing the relationship between the perception of HRM policies and practices and organizational identity in Brazilian public administration institutions were not previously found.
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