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Navigating the Tides of Time: A Critical Analysis of Temporality and the Future in Organization Studies
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Future-Making Practices
Self-Fulfilling Prophecies


Estudos Organizacionais


Epistemologias e Ontologias em Estudos Organizacionais


1 - Anna Beatriz Niteroi


The article explores the complexity of temporality in organizations and their ability to shape the future. It delves into perspectives on time within organizational contexts while arguing that organizations can act as prophets by strategically crafting and disseminating messages to align external actors with their intended goals, thus shaping the trajectory of events. It emphasizes the importance and the implications of future-making practices, including planning strategies and self-fulfilling prophecies, in organizational success in navigating complex environments and exerting influence.
The article addresses the complexity of time within organizations and how they navigate the future. The research question is: How can organizations wield influence over the future political and economic landscape to serve their own objectives? The objective is to explore the concept of temporality in organizations and examine the practices involved in shaping the future. It argues that organizations have the potential to assume the role of prophets by strategically crafting and disseminating messages that inspire external actors to align their actions with the organization's intended goals.
The article applies concepts of temporality (Jacques, 1982; Merleau-Ponty, 2006) in organization studies and strategies on how they navigate the future (Wenzel et al., 2020; Comi & Whyte, 2018). It delves into self-fulfilling prophecies, drawing on the works of Merton (1948) and Rosenthal & Jacobson (1968) and arguing that organizations can shape the future by strategically crafting and disseminating messages that inspire external actors to align their actions with the organization's intended goals. This approach allows organizations to exert influence and assert desired outcomes effectively.
Understanding and navigating the complexities of temporality and the future is crucial for future-proof organizations. It involves a forward-looking attitude and adopting strategies such as planning, or anticipating challenges and setting objectives; future-making practices, the imagination and experimentation to shape desired futures; and self-fulfilling prophecies, the influence of beliefs and narratives on future outcomes. Organizations can construct narratives towards the future that can influence the political and economic landscape, but ethical issues such as transparency are important.
Exploring the interplay between objective time measurements and subjective perceptions, organizations shape their temporal landscape, impacting decision-making and dynamics. Utilizing self-fulfilling prophecies, organizations strategically construct narratives, alliances, and policies to influence external perceptions and achieve their goals. However, ethical considerations are crucial, emphasizing authenticity, transparency, and societal responsibility. Further research is necessary to understand effective implementation while maintaining sustainability.
Comi, A. & Whyte, J. (2018). Future Making and Visual Artefacts: An Ethnographic Study of a Design Project. Organization Studies. 39(8), 1055-1083. Merleau-Ponty, M. (2006). Fenomenologia da Percepção. (3rd ed.). Martins Fontes Merton, R. K. (1948). The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy. The Antioch Review, 8(2), 193-210 Wenzel, M., Krämer, H., Koch, J., & Reckwitz, A. (2020). Future and organization studies: On the rediscovery of a problematic temporal category in organizations. Organization Studies, 41(10), 1441–1455.