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Dynamic Capabilities in Cybersecurity: empirical evidence to enhance protection against cyber threats
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Dynamic Capabilities
Cybersecurity Intelligence


Tecnologia da Informação


Aspectos Comportamentais e Decisórios da TI


1 - Angelica Pigola
2 - Priscila Rezende da Costa


Fraud, malicious actions, cyber-attacks are a truly global problem affecting firms in different regions and industries worldwide. Measuring the true extent of the damage caused by these criminals disturbs to define what extent cybersecurity intelligence (CI) may protect a firm is challenger, due to the inherent nature of concealment involved in most schemes of cyber-criminal articulations. Cybersecurity risks demands for firms high efforts in developing innovations, technical process, and abilities to attain preventative strategies as referred in the literature of CI.
Excessive information security may negatively impact a firm’s competitive advantage. It uncurtains others impacts such as on brand, crisis communication, business resumption, employees and public perception, customers retention, additional costs, third-party risks, firms' evaluation, among others. Thus, having a balanced approach requires a high level of capabilities to keep cybersecurity as a business enabler. Considering this scenario, many capabilities models have been subject to criticism because lack empirical foundation, oversimplify business reality, and not demonstrate their purpose.
This research investigates the influence of dynamic capabilities in cybersecurity (DCCI) in cybersecurity intelligence (CI) bringing fraud diamond and dynamic capabilities theories to identify the capabilities to cybersecurity innovations (new technologies and processes implemented), organizational change (controls proactively implemented before a cyber-attack happens), and performance (new security threat-actors identified highlighting gaps in the firm's cyber defenses).
The dynamic capabilities on cybersecurity framework is built from a literature review of 47 case studies and tested as of 207 cybersecurity experts spread out in different regions and countries through hierarchical regressions.
The DDCI framework is positively associated with CI two different dimensions, Doing and Improving cybersecurity activities while the dimensions Enabling and Managing cybersecurity activities do not present significant impacting in CI.
To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first paper that build an empirical instrument to measure a model of dynamic capabilities in cybersecurity intelligence. Findings expand on the perception of CI as multidimensional problems involving firms' innovations and change in information security field. Thus, it progresses to offer new avenues for future research and practice in building DCCI to enhance CI for business and society.
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