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Strategies to Improve Response Quality in Online Surveys
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Online survey
Response quality




Redes Sociais Mediadas, Ambientes e Dispositivos Digitais


1 - Fernanda Sayuri Yoda
Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade da Universidade de São Paulo - FEA - FEA
2 - Otávio Bandeira De Lamônica Freire
Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade da Universidade de São Paulo - FEA - PPGA


The survey research method is widely used in marketing in the managerial and academic context since many research topics depend on primary data for the topic to be studied. Additionally, the online survey might facilitate threats to response quality, making it more relevant for researchers to know which strategy could be best suited to increase data quality. Moreover, new communication technologies provide novel strategies for data collection for managerial and academic research that should account for how researchers could reduce new sources of bias.
The study aimed to review studies about online surveys to identify the strategies that could be employed to enhance the quality of responses obtained in such surveys.
The field of survey research methodology has undergone a recent paradigm shift, moving away from a statistical focus on the survey error and towards a cognitive perspective centered on the survey respondent. This shift reflects the current research context, in which it is increasingly important to understand the cognitive processes of respondents to improve the quality of survey responses, particularly in self-administered surveys (Tourangeau, 2003) and online surveys (Evans, 2018).
This review found nine foundational themes (Device, Mode, Question design, Careless responses, Response rate, Identifying low-quality responses, Statistical adjustment, Incentives, and Household survey) in online survey research using co-citation analysis.
The online survey method has been the object of methodological studies and a topic of interest to improve online data quality in research that apply surveys. When a new data collection method becomes available, researchers focus on describing and comparing this new method with different devices used to advance the understanding of research methodologies. Based on those studies, strategies particular to online surveys emerge as they differ from more traditional ones. The response quality regarding cognitive aspects is relevant to futher study as it explains the effect of different strategies.
Evans, J. R., & Mathur, A. (2018). The value of online surveys: A look back and a look ahead. Internet Research. Tourangeau, R. (2003). Cognitive aspects of survey measurement and mismeasurement. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 15(1), 3–7.