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Metaverse disconnected? The lack of research on value co-creation and triadic relationships in three-dimensional brand communities
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Value Co-Creation
Triadic Relationships




Redes Sociais Mediadas, Ambientes e Dispositivos Digitais


1 - Christian Gomes-e-Souza Munaier
Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade da Universidade de São Paulo - FEA - FEA-USP
2 - José Afonso Mazzon
Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade da Universidade de São Paulo - FEA - FEA/USP - Pós-Graduação


The concept of the metaverse, derived from "meta" (beyond) and "universe," originated in the novel "Snow Crash" in 1992, portraying a virtual space where parallel lives to reality are led. This study focuses on the metaverse in the Marketing field, aiming to explore scientific production on value co-creation in consumer experiences within brand communities and triadic relationships.
The study addresses two research questions: 1) What is the scientific production on value co-creation in consumer experiences within brand communities in the metaverse? and 2) What is the scientific production on triadic relationships in brand communities in the metaverse? The objective is to map the existing research and identify gaps in the marketing literature.
The metaverse is defined as a universal, immersive, and three-dimensional virtual world accessed through virtual and augmented reality devices. It encompasses avatars, content creation, virtual economy, and social acceptance, with a significant impact on each generation's social value. The S-D Logic emphasizes the consumer's role in value co-creation and the importance of individuals being actional within brand-provided experiences. Triadic relationships involving the user, the brand, and other stakeholders are crucial in fostering satisfaction, a sense of belonging, and consumer loyalty.
Research question 1 explores the scientific production of value co-creation in consumer experiences within brand communities in the metaverse. Limited research suggests an emerging field focusing on tourism and hospitality services. Research question 2 examines the scientific production of triadic relationships within brand communities in the metaverse. This topic remains unexplored, presenting challenges in understanding these relationships and the influence of virtual identities.
The limited scientific production on value co-creation in the metaverse suggests an emerging field. While initial studies highlight the metaverse's potential as a connector among brand community members, further research is needed to understand its impact on consumer loyalty. Triadic relationships in the metaverse remain unexplored, posing challenges in understanding their manifestations, given the ease of constructing virtual identities.
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