1 - Athos Carlos Silva Faculdade de Economia, Administração, Contabilidade e Atuária da Universidade de São Paulo - FEA
2 - Paulo Tarso Vilela de Resende Fundacao Dom Cabral - Nova Lima
The study explores how organizations create and sustain competitive advantages through Buyer-Supplier Relationships (BSR) under the Relational View. It emphasizes the selection of suppliers and the process of Demand Allocation (DA), crucial for optimizing buyer-supplier interactions. Despite theoretical models suggesting optimal practices, little is known about the actual DA process. Grounded in telecommunications, the research identifies five DA stages, beginning with supplier approval and demand analysis. It reveals that supplier responsiveness influences future allocations.
This article investigates how Demand Allocation (DA) occurs in Buyer-Supplier Relationships (BSR), using the Relational View theory. The objective is to develop a theoretical model that explains DA stages and criteria, addressing gaps in understanding and providing insights for optimizing supplier relationships and operational strategies.
The theoretical foundation of this study is grounded in the Relational View, examining how buyer-supplier relationships can create competitive advantages. Authors such as Porter, Wernerfelt, Barney, Dyer & Singh contribute to understanding how these strategic partnerships are crucial for effective demand allocation and the development of guiding criteria for this practice.
The methodology employed in this study integrates Grounded Theory, exploring Demand Allocation in telecommunications. Semi-structured interviews with key industry executives provided insights into buyer-supplier dynamics. This qualitative approach validated theoretical constructs and identified stages and criteria crucial for effective Demand Allocation practices.
The study identified five stages in Demand Allocation within telecommunications, emphasizing the "Pre-allocation" phase as pivotal. It revealed how suppliers are selected based on service compatibility and capacity to meet demand. Feedback loops from supplier responses impact future allocations, underscoring the iterative nature of buyer-supplier relationships.
The study concluded that Demand Allocation in telecommunications relies on structured stages, crucially starting with supplier approval and demand assessment. Supplier selection aligns with service needs, while ongoing feedback enhances relationship dynamics. This framework aids in optimizing buyer-supplier interactions and informs strategic decision-making for effective supply chain management.
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