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DESORPTIVE CAPACITY: an analysis in national and international publications
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Desorptive Capacity
Absorptive Capacity


Estratégia em Organizações


Processo Estratégico nas Organizações


1 - Elvis Silveira-Martins
2 - Carlos Ricardo Rossetto
UNIVERSIDADE DO VALE DO ITAJAÍ (UNIVALI) - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração - PPGA


The term desorptive capacity can be known as the capability to transferring the generated knowledge by the organization to external partners, usually conceived by the innovation licensing method. Denford and Ferriss (2018) points out, this type of capability may be another value for company’s advantage. A desorptive capacity can directly generate revenue, or achieve other targets, and enable the company to position itself as a major player in the industry.
What has already been produced and indicating new research possibilities on desorptive capacity available on national and international bases? The research target aim is to analyze the scientific production on the desorptive capacity available in national and international bases, providing a background about what has already been produced and indicating new research possibilities.
The discussions on absorptive capacity (ACAP) based in Linchtenhaler and Linchtenhaler (2010) proposed desorptive capacity concept (DCAP), previously also called by Herzog (2011), as market capability applied. Facing this background, according to Linchtenhaler and Linchtenhaler (2010) explains that while the ACAP refers to the organization's capability to recognize, assimilate and apply external knowledge, DCAP is associated with the organization's capability to transfer its own knowledge to external partners.
The scientific journal R&D Management was identified as the one that most published papers on desorptive capacity. The researchers with the highest connections number are Llorens-Montes, Bravo and Moreno. The most cited researcher is Urich Lichtenthaler, however, the most referenced work is the piece by Henry W. Chesbrough. The discussion about the desorptive capacity stated associated to the absorptive capacity and over the years gained scientific density, including the development of dedicated instruments, such as Yoo (2011), being analyzed, more recently, with ambidexterity.
The research also mapped 25 proposals for new research grouped into 17 verbs. The research revealed that while the topic catches the researchers’ attention, especially those already involved with the construct absorptive capacity, it is still in a phase of pre-maturity scientific. This context is pointed by analyzing the concerns generated by the lack of knowledge of its real predictive power or dependence, in relation to other theoretical constructs and empirical results in the most diversified activities and segments interested in innovative practices.
DENFORD, J. S.; FERRISS, A. Absorption, combination, and desorption: knowledge-oriented boundary spanning capacities. Journal of Knowledge Management. Vol. 22, No. 7, 1425-1441, 2018. LICHTENTHALER, U. The collaboration of innovation intermediaries and manufacturing firms in the markets for technology. Journal of Product Innovation Management. Vol. 30, No. 1, p. 142-158, 2013. LICHTENTHALER, U.; LICHTENTHALER, E. Technology transfer across organizational boundaries: absorptive capacity and desorptive capacity. California Management Review. Vol. 53, No. 1, p. 154-170, 2010.